Terms of Use

All materials published by the PWD Project are protected by Indonesian and Norwegian copyright laws, and we ask that you respect these laws when accessing PWD materials.  Available data on Website are free to use with PWD credit.  If you are affiliated with an international institution for higher education, you may already have access to PWD publications through your university’s library. Check with your institution before contacting PWD to request access to our materials.

  1. Written permission is required for the reproduction of any written materials. Such requests may be subject to reproduction or translation fees.
  2. All access or reproduction requests should be directed to PWD in writing (see contact details below). PWD cannot grant verbal permission.
  3. In the case that the PWD Project is not the copyright holder of the work in question, such as anthologies, illustrations, diagrams or graphics, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holder listed on the acknowledgments pages before contacting us.

Please provide the following information to make your request by fax or email:

  1. Title and author of the work from which you wish to reprint
  2. ISBN
  3. Imprint
  4. Exact page number for the material you wish to reprint. Provide the illustration, figure or chart number, where applicable.
  5. Requested rights (translation, e-book, etc.)
  6. Territory for distribution for which you require permission.

In order to ensure that your request is handled promptly, provide as much of the information outlined above as possible.

Translation Rights

For permission to translate PWD Publication/data please contact us at ugm.pwd@gmail.com.