Making Democracy Meaningful: Problems and Options in Indonesia

Making Democracy Meaningful: Problems and Options in Indonesia — Priyono, Samadhi, & Törnquist

Priyono, A. E., Samadhi, W. P., & Törnquist, O. (2008). Making Democracy Meaningful: Problems and Options in Indonesia. Yogyakarta: PCD Press with DEMOS.

Indonesia’s democracy is in currently in a critical phase. It has been widely acknowleged that pro-democracy activists are marginalised, while elites continue to maintain oligarchic power. Democracy in the world’s third largest country can only become meaninful when ordinary people have the opportunity to improve the quality of their lives and to transform the nation from one governed by violent conflict to one defined by peaceful politics. This publication outines the most serious problems facing Indonesian democratisation. It also examines the basis for elites’ domination and strategies to overcome it. It questions how pro-democracy actors can be empowered to take the initiative towards self-revitalisation. Based on a longitudinal study investigating the root causes of challenges to democracy in Indonesia, Making Democracy Meaningful contributes empirical knowledge on the birth of a new agenda for democratisation. The study, which outlines the perspectives, experiences and reflections of 800 democratisation advocates from 32 provinces in Indonesia, is the first to provide comprehensive information on the state of Indonesia’s democracy.